Pepi Erdbories Love Letters

From Everyday Inspiration to Art
Can you tell us about your career background before becoming a full time artist? 
From an early age I felt an inner desire to be creative, which led me to paint and create illustrations. I studied media management, because society tells you like to do something "serious," and painted on the side. Immediately after finishing my degrees I fully committed to being a full time artist. I started as an illustrator but overtime I experimented with various techniques, until I found my own personal style in painting.

What inspired you to begin writing on found materials?
I was in my studio and there was this small paper bag from a high fashion label. I can't exactly say why but suddenly I had the impulse to write something on it. I think it was "treat yourself right." I found the creation amusing and profound and powerful at the same time. It was fascinating to me that I could give meaning to this paper bag, or envelopes, which initially had no significance and would likely have ended up in the trash. By writing on it I was able to create something that people could identify with.
Where do you get your creative inspiration from?
My inspiration for my quotes comes from the music I listen to, the books I read, the conversations I have, and observations I make in everyday life. In my Love Letters series, I'm not really talking about the brands themselves. They're more like symbols of our society and pop culture. These brands have a big impact on us and represent something a lot of people dream about. What's interesting to me is that in this context, I can bring in themes like gratitude and mindfulness. It's all about finding a balance in the bigger cultural picture and to create a space for identification and connection. Also, I just try to tune in to my intuition and let it guide me. I really believe in the power of our subconscious, and I'm sure it's always going to provide me new ideas.
Where would your dream exhibition be?
I'm dreaming of seeing my art displayed at well known art fairs someday. Being able to exhibit my work at Guy Hepner in New York this past year was a huge dream come true, and I'm so thankful for that opportunity. Looking ahead, it would be amazing to showcase my work in cities like Paris, London, Los Angeles, or Hong Kong, among others.

Can you give us insight on your plans for 2024?
Absolutely. I am ending 2023  with a solo exhibition in Hamburg and a charity auction with Christie's for an AIDS foundation for a good cause. For 2024, I am focusing on my abstract works and am currently exploring sculpture, for the next phase of the Love Letter Series. 
February 2, 2024
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