Jaime Urdiales: Interstate 88 A Closer Look

A Closer Look

“Interstate 88” is a profound exploration of a love affair set against the vibrant chaos of New York City. This collection of seven paintings delves into the entirety of Urdiales’ romantic journey, encapsulating the full spectrum of emotions from the thrill of new beginnings to the intricate layers of human connection. Each painting serves as a unique interpretation of his “journey of love,” rich with nostalgia and a subtle irony that underscores the complexities and joys of intimacy. The artwork resonates with a wistful sentiment, employing colors and textures that evoke a sense of the worn and weathered, mirroring the imperfect remnants of human existence.

The title “Interstate 88” refers to the actual road that stretches across the United States, connecting diverse landscapes and experiences. This route (road) serves as a metaphor for the journey of love— filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours, reflecting the unpredictable nature of relationships. The exhibition’s opening on August 8th (8/8) deepens this symbolism. The number 8, with its endless loop, evokes a sense of continuity and eternity, mirroring the ongoing cycle of love, growth, and self-discovery. The duality of 8/8 captures the notion that while the journey may have been chaotic, it also holds the promise of a brighter future and growth.



Big Boy introduces the collection with an iconic American symbol, a vanishing relic of classic diners. This painting reflects the initial excitement of discovering someone who seems to offer more than others, capturing the allure and complexity of falling for a city that’s as grand as it is flawed. The bustling energy of New York serves as a backdrop for this exploration of new beginnings.



In I Melt for You, an ice cream falls for the sun, only to meet its own demise. This painting represents the exhilarating and often perilous stage of romanc —when passion and risk intertwine. It’s a poignant metaphor for the intensity of love and the willingness to embrace vulnerability, despite the inevitable


 LOVE TESTER 1, 2024

Love Tester 1 offers an exterior view of a place similar to the concept of a “bar” that we have now but is called love tester. This social place is located in a road filled with symbols and hints for the audience to understand the artist point of view.



This painting zooms in on the machine’s intricate details. These pieces capture the stage of evaluating and balancing feelings in a relationship. The playful yet profound imagery of the love tester reflects the search for certainty amidst the complexities of love.



My Own Worst Enemy features a neon sign from 14th Street, embodying the self-sabotage and internal conflicts that can arise in a relationship. This painting delves into the introspective phase of questioning one’s happiness and the personal battles that often accompany romantic entanglements.



The sixth painting, “Winner Horse,” depicts a horse in motion, symbolizing victory and success. This piece represents a mental and emotional breakthrough, where leaving behind a difficult mindset / room allows for a renewed perspective. The horse’s historical association with triumph and achievement underscores the theme of overcoming obstacles and finding clarity.



“Smell the Flowers while You Can” symbolizes the end of a chapter in life or in a relationship, marked by a sense of bittersweet gratitude. The painting encourages viewers to pause, reflect, and appreciate the fleeting moments that bring beauty to our experiences.


Opening Thursday August 8th from 6 - 8 PM. To RSVP and receive the complete exhibition catalog email info@guyhepner.com.

August 1, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Big Boy, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Big Boy, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, I Melt For You, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, I Melt For You, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 1, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 1, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 2, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 2, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Smell The Flowers While You Can, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Smell The Flowers While You Can, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Winner Horse, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Winner Horse, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Own Worst Enemy, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Own Worst Enemy, 2024