Pepi Erdbories Love Letters

Launching June 4th

We are excited to announce Pepi Erdbories' latest collection of works, her new Love Letters Sculpture Series. The works will be available to the public as of June 4th, and on display for collectors to view.

Her latest creations are meticulously handcrafted clay sculptures, each adorned with poetic sayings that capture the timeless essence of love letters. Encased in sleek acrylic glass frames, these pieces merge the tactile beauty of clay with modern elegance, creating a striking visual and emotional impact. This project represents a departure from her previous work with paper envelopes, showcasing Erdbories' versatility and continuous evolution as an artist.

Erdbories' creative journey is as diverse as it is inspiring. With a background in fashion design, she possesses a keen eye for detail, texture, and form. These skills, honed in the world of fashion, have profoundly influenced her artistic approach. However, her inspiration extends far beyond that world. Everyday wonders such as movies, books, and songs serve as constant muses, infusing her work with layers of narrative and emotion. Films transport her into vivid storytelling realms, literature sparks her imagination with lyrical prose, and music guides the rhythm and mood of her creations.

This eclectic mix of influences allows Erdbories to craft pieces that resonate deeply with viewers, inviting them to find their own stories within her art. Her previous installation at the gallery, featuring her signature paper envelope art, sold out, so we are excited to bring our collectors a new opportunity to collect her work. As her work continues to evolve, she remains consistent in her ability to capture the essence of love and wonder.

To receive more information about this collection, inquire below, or contact


May 28, 2024
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