Tyler Shields' Fairytale series is a mesmerizing display of wonder and whimsy inherent in classic fairytales. Through his lens, Shields captures a world where imagination reigns supreme, where models adorned in beautiful ball gowns lose themselves in the pages of enchanted books, and where iconic characters like Alice in Wonderland are referenced in modern day settings. From his iconic Dorothy's night out, to his enchanted red book photograph, the pieces bring to life familiar stories from classic motifs of fairy tales.
Each photograph in the series is a visual ode to the timeless allure of fairy tales, replete with references to beloved stories and characters. From Dorothy's yellow brick road to the transformative tale of Beauty and the Beast subtly referenced in his Lion Queen photographs, Shields' imagery transports viewers to a realm where fantasy and reality intertwine, blurring the lines between dreams and waking life.
his lion queen series is a classic display of shields' subject's fearlessness, where the model is closer than arms reach to a lion. her gaze remains delicate and elegant, making the moment feel palpable. his photograph, the girl in the bed, brings to life a moment that feels like a dream - waking up in the middle of the dessert where one's bed transported them. these unexpected scenes blur the lines between a sense of dream and reality.
Yet, beneath the surface beauty and enchantment, there is often lies a more depthful message. In one image, a bold high heel breaks through the tranquility of a child's dollhouse, hinting at the fragility of innocence and the complexities of adulthood. It's a provocative juxtaposition that challenges viewers to confront the more ambiguous aspects of the fairytales they hold dear.
In essence, Tyler Shields' Fairytale series is a celebration of the power of storytelling and the enduring allure of childhood wonder. Through his artistry and imagination, Shields invites us to rediscover the magic and enchantment of our favorite fairy tales, while also encouraging us to explore the hidden depths and complexities that lie beneath their charming surface.