Francis Bacon Prints For Sale.
Francis Bacon's art is a deep exploration of the human condition told through the revolutionary lens of a true genius. His distorted and contorted figures explore aspects religion, mythology & the deeply personal. Explore our latest Francis Bacon prints for sale at Guy Hepner, Bacon dealers since 2007.
Discover authentic Francis Bacon signed prints for sale below.
Portrait of Freud, 1967
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975
Studies of the Human Body , after the Central Panel of the Triptych Studies of the Human Body 1979, 1980
Logique de la sensation , after Study from the Human Body 1981, 1981
Three Studies for a Self Portrait, 1981
Seated Figure, 1983
Ètude du Corps Humain d'après Ingres , afterStudy of a Human Body after Ingres 1982, 1984
Oedipe et Le Sphinx d'après Ingres , after Oedipus and the Sphinx after Ingres 1983, 1984
Study for Self Portrait , after Study for Self Portrait 1982, 1984
Etude de Tauromachie, 1987
Study For A Portrait of John Edwards, 1987
Hommage à Van Gogh , after Hommage à Van Gogh 1985, 1989
Mirroir de la Tauromachie, 1990
Portrait of Michel Leiris from Miroir de la Tauromachie, 1990
Seated Figure , after Seated Figure 1977, 1992
Study from Human Body , after Study from Human Body 1987, 1992
"The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery".
Francis Bacon is one of the most important artists of the 20th century and post-war movements. Arguably one of the finest and most celebrated artists of his generation, Bacon holds a pivotal role in contemporary art through his revolutionary approach to his craft. One of the great explorers of the human condition Francis Bacon and his art, touch on fateful mix of mythology, religion, love and death, and document our joys, sorrows and pains perhaps better than any other artist before or since.
The imagery of Bacon is one of pure expression rejecting the prevailing artistic style of abstraction of the era, in favor of a distinctive and disturbing realism and his distorted forms convey a sense of both beauty and despair. The dichotomy in Bacon’s prints and imagery can be seen through his raw use of violent, yet delicate colors as well as the marriage he makes between the figurative and abstract. It is this soft balance between the brutal and the subtle, the violent and the soft and happiness and anguish that make Francis Bacon’s art so important and collectible. A master of painting, and known for his large scale canvases, Bacon combines seemingly disparate tectures, colours and forms to ceate a whirlwind of emotion conveying and reaching the heart of his subjective matter. Equally so Franci Bacon's print output, often as apres, lithographs or signed prints, offer his most popular subjects including Pope Francis and his famous triptychs.
Whether new to collecting Francis Bacon prints or an experienced collector, Guy Hepner can help. Since 2007 we have assisted clients across the world to buy Francis Bacon prints in confidence. Whether iconic triptych, lithographs or apres, our experienced and knowledgeable team are on hand to help you achieve your collecting goals. From our New York and London galleries, offer a wide selection of authentic Francis Bacon prints for sale.
Contact info@guyhepner.com for our latest Francis Bacon prints for sale or to buy Francis Bacon original art. -