• Overview
    "I have always been seduced by all kinds of visual stimulation, I am fascinated by everything that surrounds the image."

    Jaime Urdiales, born in 1994 in Spain, is a contemporary artist whose evocative works capture the intersection of nostalgia and urban life. Raised in the tranquil, mountainous village of Losar De la Vera, Urdiales' early years were steeped in the serene rhythms of countryside living. These formative experiences, combined with a passion for classic Hollywood cinema, instilled in him a romanticized vision of the lifestyle depicted in films.

    At 18, Urdiales relocated to Madrid to pursue a degree in Fine Arts at Rey Juan Carlos University, graduating in 2018. This pivotal move marked the beginning of his artistic and personal exploration, leading him to travel extensively and develop a profound appreciation for the complexity and vibrancy of urban environments.

    Among the various cities he explored, Miami, California and New York have left a significant imprint on his work. The themes in Urdiales' art are deeply rooted in the nostalgia of past urban experiences, presented through a lens of irony and humor. His unique style revolves around the visual preservation of abandoned neon signs and signage, transforming these overlooked artifacts into poignant reflections of urban history.

    Urdiales' art captures the ephemeral beauty of the everyday, infusing ordinary objects with a sense of extraordinary significance. His depictions of forgotten neon signs become tributes to the vibrant energy of city life, transporting viewers to an era where these luminous symbols were the icons of urban culture.

    In preparation for our August 2024 exhibition, Urdiales has relocated to NYC to create his new body of work with a nyc flair. Since 2022, he has been represented by Guy Hepner, showcasing his talent and vision to a global audience. His work is a testament to his ability to transform fleeting moments into enduring works of art, celebrating the visual history of the streets and the nostalgia inherent in urban decay.

  • New In Jaime Urdiales Paintings
    • Jaime Urdiales, Big Boy, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Big Boy, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, I Melt For You, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, I Melt For You, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 1, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 1, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 2, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Love Tester 2, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Own Worst Enemy, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Own Worst Enemy, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Smell The Flowers While You Can, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Smell The Flowers While You Can, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Winner Horse, 2024
      Jaime Urdiales, Winner Horse, 2024
    • Jaime Urdiales, Don't Quit Today, 2023
      Jaime Urdiales, Don't Quit Today, 2023
  • Buying and Selling Jaime Urdiales Paintings Through Guy Hepner

    Buying and Selling Jaime Urdiales Paintings Through Guy Hepner

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