• Overview
    "I want my works to be like mirrors. When you look at them you might not like what you see, but like in a mirror, you now get the awareness and the chance to change something."
    Johan Deckmann is a Copenhagen-based artist, practicing psychotherapist and author, whose works examine the complications of life through one-liners painted on the covers of fictional “self-help” books. These book titles, though often filled with scathing satire and humour, tackle life’s biggest questions, fears, and absurdities. Recognizing the power of language in both therapy and art, Deckmann successfully forms simple phrases that compress information, feelings or fantasies into an essence, and a truth that has an effect that is very similar to therapy. “The right words can be like good medicine,” Deckmann shares. While most of his book titles skirt between hilarious and poignant, underscored by their faded color and worn texture of 1970s era self-help guides, the readers are taken through a journey of self-reflection and soul-searching as they scroll through the entirety of Deckmann’s work. The artist explains that his psychological practice has great influence on his art, not only by serving as a tremendous inspiration for the content of his works, but also as a constant reminder of personal responsibility. “I meet many people who suffer from a circumstance that they themselves have created but they choose not to take action,” he explains. “I think it’s tragicomic that underneath our frustration and self-slavery lies this beautiful opportunity.”
  • New In Johan Deckmann Paintings
    • Johan Deckmann, 2054, 2024
      Johan Deckmann, 2054, 2024
    • Johan Deckmann, Grandtherapist, 2024
      Johan Deckmann, Grandtherapist, 2024
    • Johan Deckmann, Always, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Always, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Keep Going, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Keep Going, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, My Husband Loves Me Very Much, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, My Husband Loves Me Very Much, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, The Poet, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, The Poet, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Time Travel Remains The Most Effective Anti Aging Strategy, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Time Travel Remains The Most Effective Anti Aging Strategy, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Nothing Ever Happened, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Nothing Ever Happened, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Life Is Short, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Life Is Short, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, On Your Mind, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, On Your Mind, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Generations, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Generations, 2023
    • Johan Deckmann, Judgmental, 2023
      Johan Deckmann, Judgmental, 2023
  • Buying and Selling Johan Deckmann Paintings Through Guy Hepner

    Buying and Selling Johan Deckmann Paintings Through Guy Hepner

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